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General email address:

Indiana contact information

  • David Elmore, owner
  • Emily McClamroch, printmaker and framer
  • Matt Stumpf, printmaker and framer
  • Annie Wetli, printmaker and framer
  • Janet Elmore, financial management

Address for visits and mailing:

2201 N 600 W
West Lafayette, IN  47906

Visits by appointment only. Although we are generally available 10 AM to 4 PM weekdays, we do not have regular hours.

Call or Text: (765) 267-1237


Contact form for all staff

This form sends an email to all of us with a copy to you.

General questions may be answered within a few hours including weekends.

If you would like our free sample pack, be sure to sign up for an account first so we will have your address in our database.
